Hey. Here are some impressions and results from my last week.
extract() is definitly my favourite PHP function. If you write a custom PHP function you often have more than one variables you want to return.
You can easily put all variables in an array:
return array($var1, $var2, $var3);
And you can use extract() instead of declaring each variable new (manual or with a loop).
I’ve been working a long time with Postman API development tool, but only used a few features. Last week i searched for a API documentation tool to build docs easily and fast with a GUI and found it on Postman’s feature list. An Postman Account is required and the docs are published online on a website but the solution was faster than setting up Swagger or RAML.
Buggy Postman variables
I had a problem using environment variables in request URLs. Like many other people. A simple log out and log in again helped.
So you can easily switch between your prod/dev environments with a environment variable like url = localhost by using it in your request http://{{url}}/api/
That’s really usefull!